Parts of us
Award-winning filmmaker Jen Kleiner makes an intimate feature doc chronicling the way IFS Therapy impacts 5 subjects whose lives are intertwined as they each go through challenging life experiences.
See how a single mom, a recent college grad, a wealthy businessman, Jen’s psychiatrist stepdad, as well as Jen herself – not only attempt to cope with traumatic events, but bravely face their worst fears in order to heal from them.
Witness the lengths some of them go to prevent overwhelming emotions, while tracking the changes that occur for each person as they gain more capacity to BE WITH vulnerable, & even volatile, PARTS of themselves.
Featuring Alanis Morissette and renowed tramua experts Dr. Richard Schwartz, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr Frank Anderson, and Deran Young, LCSW.
Produced & directed by Jen Kleiner.